In late June, two INCHE universities in Korea hosted Executive Director Shirley Roels. At Kosin University in Busan, she visited first with vice president Sohn Sue Kyung, their academic deans, leaders of international affairs, and the chief university chaplain. In wide-ranging discussions, they considered the university’s mission and their international interests. Kosin University has more than 100 international students. In the afternoon, Shirley visited with leaders at their College of Nursing and College of Medicine. The Nursing College, led by Dr. Kwuy-Im Jung, has 480 undergraduates and 60 graduate students specializing in geriatrics, oncology, and hospice care. Other noteworthy interests include care for refugees and disaster victims. The Medical School, led by Dr. Moo In Park, seeks to prepare doctors of fine character who understand medicine as a healing art based on our calling to truth. Since opening in 1981, more than 2200 doctors have graduated, some of whom are medical missionaries. Their leaders seek to prepare global doctors through collaboration with worldwide medical schools. The entire university emphasizes its motto, Coram Deo, namely, education in the presence of God.
Leaders at Kosin University
At Baekseok University in Cheonan, Shirley combined her visit with that of the Calvin University team. Derek Schuurman, a member of the Calvin team, provided Christian perspectives on artificial intelligence; and Shirley contributed a presentation about worldwide Christian higher education. INCHE seeks to build a two-way bridge between historic and emerging Christian colleges and universities worldwide so that energy and expertise can flow in both directions. In her first visit to Baekseok University, she noted founder Jong-hyun Chang’s emphasis on spiritual transformation that is based in Biblical understanding. This theme continues to provide a foundation for university education in multiple fields of study for about 14,000 students.
Making finger hearts at Baekseok University.