INCHE Global 50th Anniversary Conference
to Apr 11

INCHE Global 50th Anniversary Conference

The International Network for Christian Higher Education (INCHE) announces its 50th anniversary conference. This occasion in Biezenmortel ( the Netherlands), will support Christian higher education worldwide in probing the theme of “Finding God’s Light in the Twilight.”

April 7-11, 2025

This conference aims to support Global and European institutions of Christian higher education in their present situation where the value of community has been degraded, and only community building may have the potential to reinforce social groups and Christian presence in society.

Click title for link to conference website and call for proposals.

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INCHE Asia/Oceania Conference
to Nov 26

INCHE Asia/Oceania Conference

Save the date for the final regional conference of the INCHE 50th Anniversary year. (Note new date in November)

Our theme will be "Education Toward Holistic Intelligence" with Dr. David I. Smith as the keynote speaker. Click the title for more information.

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INCHE Latin America Conference:  Anniversary Celebration
8:00 AM08:00

INCHE Latin America Conference: Anniversary Celebration

In celebration of  the 50th Anniversary of INCHE worldwide, and in recognition of the 25th anniversary of INCHE in Latin America [1999-2024], preparations are being made for an in-person Spanish-language consultation in San José, Costa Rica on November 15, 2024. The theme is “Christian Higher Education in the Next Quarter of the 21st Century” 

Click the title for more information, or visit the Consultation Website.

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Abraham Kuyper on Business and Economics: Bridges to 21st Century Teaching, Scholarship, and Practices
to Jul 12

Abraham Kuyper on Business and Economics: Bridges to 21st Century Teaching, Scholarship, and Practices

  • University of Oxford (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The International Network for Christian Higher Education will host thirteen international scholars for a July 8-12, 2024 seminar in Oxford, England to explore the writings of Abraham Kuyper on business and economics and bridge them to 21st century teaching, scholarship, and practices. The goal is to enrich Christian perspectives on economic life for Christian teacher/scholars among INCHE network members. This focus is essential for Christian universities and colleges in teaching their students about the economic sphere of living and leadership. The seminar is organized and will be hosted in cooperation with the Centre for Enterprise, Markets, and Ethics, a U.K. charity focus on the intersection of theology, business, and economics.. Click title for more information.

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Redemptive Change Agents:  West Africa Initiative
to Dec 1

Redemptive Change Agents: West Africa Initiative

Faculty leaders from five regional institutions [Mountain Top University, Nigeria, Christian Service University College, Ghana, Melchisedec Graduate Bible Academy (MELBAC), Nigeria, University of Mkar, Nigeria, and Bowen University, Nigeria] will meet November 29 - December 1 for the culmination of a year-long faculty development program addressing the need to shape young Christian leaders to work in every facet of society by strengthening the bridge between church-based discipleship training and skillful Christian leadership practices. Faculty from various fields of study have worked in three-person cohorts to develop Biblical, theological, and practical understandings of redemptive change agency and its place within Christian higher education and the larger culture.

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Redemptive Change Agents:  East Africa Initiative
to Nov 29

Redemptive Change Agents: East Africa Initiative

Faculty leaders from five regional institutions [Vision Bible College, Uganda , Pan Africa Christian University, Kenya, Uganda Christian University, Uganda , Daystar University, Kenya, and Akademie Reformatoriese Opleiding en Studies (AROS), South Africa] will meet November 27 - 29 for the culmination of a year-long faculty development program addressing the need to shape young Christian leaders to work in every facet of society by strengthening the bridge between church-based discipleship training and skillful Christian leadership practices. Faculty from various fields of study have worked in three-person cohorts to develop Biblical, theological, and practical understandings of redemptive change agency and its place within Christian higher education and the larger culture.

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INCIDENCIA PÚBLICA DEL PROTESTANTISMO EN CLAVE GLOBAL: Una Mirada Latinoamericana Desde La Educación Superior
7:00 AM07:00

INCIDENCIA PÚBLICA DEL PROTESTANTISMO EN CLAVE GLOBAL: Una Mirada Latinoamericana Desde La Educación Superior

Para obtener más información e inscripción, haga clic en el título del evento.

El 3 de noviembre del presente año 2023 se realizará la Octava Consulta de INCHE Latinoamérica, en modalidad virtual con el tema general “Incidencia pública del protestantismo en clave global: Una mirada latinoamericana desde la educación superior.” Este evento se llevará a cabo en línea a partir de las 1300 UTC. Haga clic aquí para ver la hora de inicio en su zona horaria.

 English translation:  For more information and registration, click the event title. On November 3 of this year 2023, the Eighth Consultation of INCHE Latin America will be held, in virtual mode with the general theme "Public incidence of Protestantism in a global key: A Latin American view from higher education". This event will take place online starting at as 1300 UTC. Click here to see starting time in your time zone.

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Christian Faith and STEM Teaching: Online Workshop
3:00 PM15:00

Christian Faith and STEM Teaching: Online Workshop

Join us as panelists from two universities in STEM fields such as biology, computer science, engineering, mathematics, and nursing reflect on teaching faithfully in STEM with David Smith, Director of the Kuyers Institute for Christian Teaching and Learning. The webinar will include both a plenary panel and breakout discussions led by the contributors. After the webinar, a recording will be available to all registered participants.

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INCHE Asia-Oceania Conference 2023
to Jun 22

INCHE Asia-Oceania Conference 2023

  • Handong Global Univeristy (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join INCHE for our Regional Conference which will take place at Handong Global University in Pohang, South Korea in June of 2023.

View the Conference Webpage and Registration here:


Christian Scholars: Forming Identity, Building Community

As Christian scholars, we have our common faith in Jesus Christ and our shared commitment to scholarship in our respective fields of knowledge. Furthermore, we accept as true and commit ourselves to living out what the Scripture declares: that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge (Prov. 1:7), and all things were created through and for Christ and in him all things hold together (Col. 1:16-17). How then are we to relate the scriptural truth about the foundation of knowledge and the centrality of Christ in all things to our teaching and research? We believe that this question about the relation between our faith in Christ and our life as scholars lies at the base of our identity formation. Our answers will affect the way we approach our work and understand our role in the world. We hopefully expect that our answers will become richer and fuller as we grow in maturity, both as Christians and as scholars. Moreover, this identity-forming inquiry challenges us to seek answers together if we desire to be faithful to God’s call. As God’s people and co-partners in the mission of God, our identity ought to be communal. We are to mutually help, encourage, and edify by joining our efforts and sharing our experiences in communion with our contemporaries as well as with our predecessors in faith and learning. By seeking our identity together, we can build and strengthen the community of Christian scholars in our generation and over many generations. Institutions of Christian higher education will find this togetherness particularly challenging as they search for a renewed mission in our fractured time. The conference promises to be a valuable occasion for all participants as they consider, individually and together, how to form identity and build community as Christian scholars.

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INCHE North America Conference- October 2022
to Oct 7

INCHE North America Conference- October 2022

  • Prince Conference Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

 After a one-year postponement, INCHE announces the October 6-7, 2022 INCHE North America conference held in partnership with the 9th Kuyers Institute conference on Christian teaching and learning at the Prince Conference Center, Calvin University, Grand Rapids, Michigan. The conference theme is “Faith and Pedagogy amid Educational Change.”

The already rapid pace of change in the educational environment has accelerated in recent years, fueled by factors as varied as the foregrounding of health and safety, sudden shifts to online learning, political polarization among parents and students, challenges to civil discourse, shifting demographics, ambiguous student identities, and increased needs for student and faculty support. How can Christian educators, themselves burdened by present challenges, constructively respond? How might we retain a focus on investigating intentionally Christian educational processes in an unstable environment?

Conference plenary speakers include Dr. Michelle Loyd-Paige, professor of sociology and executive associate for diversity and inclusion to the Calvin University president; Dr. Jan Habl, professor of pedagogy at the University of Hradec Králové (Czech Republic); and Dr. Marlene Wall, president of LCC International University (Lithuania). Further details about each plenary speaker and the conference schedule are available at .

Conference registration is now open at The discounted early-bird rate is available through July 31, 2022.

Plan to join the networks of INCHE and the Kuyers Institute to explore the crossroads of faith, pedagogy, and educational change.

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July 21 Webinar:                Ignatian Spirituality and the University
10:00 AM10:00

July 21 Webinar: Ignatian Spirituality and the University

What does our spiritual life have to do with our academic life? Should they be separate or can they be brought together holistically?

On Thursday, 21 July 2022 at 1400 UTC, INCHE in partnership with the Society of Christian Scholars is pleased to learn from Dr. Nita Kotiuga, Director of Spiritual Formation at Bakke Graduate University. She observes that academic life often neglects and hinders spiritual formation, because the whole idea is dismissed by atheistic cultures, diminished by secular cultures, or exaggerated by spiritualist cultures. At the root of the problem are conceptions of the relationship between the mind, body, and soul.

In this webinar, Dr. Kotiuga will explore how to nurture the spiritual and the life of the mind. As a trained spiritual director in Ignatian spirituality, she will discuss how academics can embrace the spiritual life by placing their minds under the direction of the Holy Spirit so that they can fully function as God intended, following the Holy Spirit into all truth.

Registration for this webinar at Webinar Registration - Zoom

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WEBINAR: Singing: A Catalyst That Cured to a Talent That Inspired
2:00 PM14:00

WEBINAR: Singing: A Catalyst That Cured to a Talent That Inspired

Singing: A Catalyst That Cured to a Talent That Inspired

By Dr. Granville Pillar

INCHE announces the April 2022 webinar offering from the Society of Christian Scholars on “Singing: A Catalyst That Cured to a Talent That Inspired.”

Granville Pillar’s life story is like reading a tale of the ‘impossible’. In human terms, how could an uneducated agnostic, afflicted with a speech disorder aspire to become a university professor serving God’s mission in academia to make a redemptive influence on student lives?

On Thursday, 21 April 2022 at 1400 UTC, Dr. Granville Pillar will take us on a journey describing how God, in his providence, used the catalyst that cured his speech affliction to become a talent that inspired him to teach philology in the universities of Hungary, Romania, and Ukraine.

Prior to his academic journey, Granville Pillar was an electrician and band singer in Northern Ireland, club entertainer in England and southern Africa, electrical engineer in Germany, and language teacher and church minister in Australia. He enjoys singing, jogging, and walking his dog, and is involved in church ministry through music and preaching. He is married to Ibolya, has two adult children and five grandchildren and lives in Hungary. Listen to his music on his YouTube channel or read the introduction to his latest book, From Doing It My Way to Following His Way (2021).

Join us for this exciting webinar to hear how what seemed impossible in the eyes of humans became possible with God.

To register, go to:

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INCHE Europe Conference
to Apr 8

INCHE Europe Conference

  • Kάroli Gάspάr University (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The in-person INCHE Europe conference will occur on April 6-8, 2022 in Budapest. These dates are confirmed, and updated information now is available in these conference web pages. This conference of INCHE Europe will support European institutions of Christian higher education in their present contexts where the value of community has become degraded, and only community rebuilding has the potential to reinforce social groups and Christian presence in society. The conference theme will be: Building Community in Fractured Societies: Challenges for Christians in Higher Education.

The registration deadline is extended to February 15, 2022

More Detailed Conference Information: Inche-europe-conference

Those who requested financial aid by Jan. 15, 2022 will be able to register after receiving financial aid information.

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Webinar: The Mission of Teaching Business
9:00 AM09:00

Webinar: The Mission of Teaching Business

INCHE announces the March 2022 webinar offering from the Society of Christian Scholars on “The Mission of Teaching Business.”

Within the next three decades, the global population will be about 10 billion people, most of whom are in the Majority World. This growth will put tremendous pressure on current socio-economic systems, with possible negative effects on the environment, unemployment, education, healthcare, immigration, and even armed conflict.

Business teaching is possibly one of the greatest contributions the Christian community can offer to such a distressed world. We have a Biblical tradition in business and public administration dating back to Abraham, Joseph, Daniel, and Esther, who were used by God to solve their generation’s difficulties. Now we need to educate 21st century business leaders with these same values and principles!

On Thursday, 17 March 2022 at 1400 UTCDr Sebastian Văduva, Director of the Griffiths School of Management and IT at Emanuel University of Oradea in Romania, will outline these business principles and values, framing business as mission. Dr. Văduva is a Romanian-American entrepreneur with extensive international experience in both U.S. and Romanian companies. Having immigrated to the US at age 12, he started his first business at 17. After completing his undergraduate studies in marketing, he obtained his MBA from Case Western Reserve University. In 1999 he became one of the youngest International Business and Marketing instructors at the University of Akron and in 2001, their director of The Center for Organizational Development. Also, he co-directed a sizable US State Department grant under which he pursued a doctoral degree at the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest in comparative entrepreneurial systems and mentalities.

In 2004 Dr. Văduva was recruited by the Fulbright commission as an international MBA program director; and in 2005 he became the Dean of the Griffiths School of Management where he continues to serve. Sebastian has delivered over 6.000 hours of corporate executive education in the areas of leadership, entrepreneurship, communication, marketing, and team management. Over the last three years, his work has been predominantly in the Romanian IT sector where he focuses on talent development.

Join this important conversation by registering today at: Webinar Registration - Zoom

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WEBINAR: Indoctrination, Liberal Education, and Evangelism in the University Classroom
2:00 PM14:00

WEBINAR: Indoctrination, Liberal Education, and Evangelism in the University Classroom

Indoctrination, Liberal Education, and Evangelism in the University Classroom

Dr. Elmer Thiessen

Christian professors in pluralistic universities who are open about their Christian convictions in the classroom may be accused of indoctrinating students; and they may face similar challenges from non-Christian students attending Christian universities. Indoctrination is typically understood as the opposite of liberal education, and thus an immoral form of teaching. How might Christian professors respond in such concerns?

On Thursday, 17 February 2022 at 1400 UTC/GMTProf. Elmer Thiessen, retired professor of philosophy at Medicine Hat College in Alberta, Canada, will contend, drawing upon his own teaching experiences, that neutrality in the classroom is impossible. But professional and ethical constraints limit what should be done to evangelize students in the classroom. This webinar’s purpose is to help Christian professors think about classroom practices as they seek both to educate students and live their Christian faith.

In preparation for this webinar, read through the introduction and chapter 9, “Evangelism in Professional Life: The Academy,” of his book The Scandal of Evangelism: A Biblical Study of the Ethics of Evangelism (Cascade, 2018) or this review of the book.

You won’t want to miss this provocative and thought-provoking discussion about how effective teaching and evangelization intersect!

Free registration is available to INCHE members at:

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Webinar: Faith-Integrated Being, Knowing, and Doing by Dr. Sarinah Lo
9:00 AM09:00

Webinar: Faith-Integrated Being, Knowing, and Doing by Dr. Sarinah Lo

Most studies of the integration of faith and learning focus on cognitive aspects and are conducted in North American contexts. In contrast, Dr. Sarinah Lo focuses her empirical research on the holistic integration of faith and learning in a manner that encompasses faith-integrated being, knowing, and doing, not just thinking. This is based on her research regarding Christian faculty in Indonesian higher education contexts.

On Thursday, 20 January 2022 at 1400 UTC/GMT, Dr. Lo, Program Director for graduate studies in Christian education at Bandung Theological Seminary in Indonesia will discuss her findings. She has spent 25 years in teaching and educational administration while also extending her scholarship about the understanding of Christian faculty in Indonesia regarding the integration of faith into their educational callings. In this webinar hosted by The Society of Christian Scholars, an INCHE partner, Dr. Lo will reflect on the varied ways in which Christian faculty members around the world understand the relationship of faith, learning, and life.

In preparation for the webinar, you are encouraged to read the introduction to her book Faith-Integrated Being, Knowing, Doing (Langham, 2020) as well as her Special Book Feature by INCHE. Register at: .

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The Trinity of Sin, God’s Response, and Human Learning
9:00 AM09:00

The Trinity of Sin, God’s Response, and Human Learning

A December 16 webinar (1400 UTC/GMT), The Trinity of Sin, God’s Response, and Human Learning is coming soon. In the INCHE partnership with The Society of Christian Scholars, Dr. Yusufu Turaki, Professor of Theology and Social Ethics at Jos ECWA Theological Seminary (JETS,) in Nigeria will draw upon his understanding of Africa’s traditional beliefs and social and spiritual values and explain scriptural teaching about the origin, nature, effects, and power of sin. He will then consider God’s solution to sin in terms that make sense to Africans and discuss how this understanding affects human learning. Please join us

Register for this valuable webinar here.   


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Webinar: The True Nature of Freedom
2:00 PM14:00

Webinar: The True Nature of Freedom

On Thursday, 18 November 2021 at 1400 UTC/GMTDr David Koyzis, a senior scholar with Global Scholars Canada and an INCHE member, will offer a webinar to explore the nature of freedom. As evident in the contemporary protest movements in Hong Kong or Belarus, throughout history people have struggled for freedom. Inherent to these cries for freedom and resistance to oppression is, to some degree, an underlying suspicion of authority. What if, though, freedom is simply one more manifestation of authority?

Dr. Koyzis has a PhD in Governmental and International Studies from the University of Notre Dame (USA) where his dissertation compared the political thought of Herman Dooyeweerd and Yves R. Simon. Subsequently, he taught political science at Redeemer University College for thirty years, mentoring hundreds of young people who now contribute to public life in Canada and elsewhere. In recent years, he has broadened his academic ministry through contacts in Brazil, Pakistan, Ukraine, Indonesia, Germany, and Finland. Dr. Koyzis is the author of the awarding-winning book Political Visions and Illusions, translated into Portuguese and widely read in Brazil.

He will explore the nature of freedom and authority in light of the ‘image of God’ whereby authority is neither to be identified with mere power nor played off against freedom. It is not a mere social construction, but rather is resident in an office given by God himself at creation.

To register for the webinar go to: Webinar Registration - Zoom

In preparation for the webinar, read the Introduction to Dr Koyzis’ book, We Answer to Another (Pickwick Publications, 2014).

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The Decalogue as a Bill of Rights: A Plea for a Covenantal Ethic by Daniel Block
10:00 AM10:00

The Decalogue as a Bill of Rights: A Plea for a Covenantal Ethic by Daniel Block

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On Thursday, 21 October 2021 at 1400 UTC/GMT, Dr. Daniel Block, Gunther H. Knoedler Professor Emeritus of Old Testament at Wheaton College (USA), will explore the Decalogue in the Hebrew Scriptures as a “Bill of Rights.” INCHE is pleased to partner with the Society of Christian Scholars in considering its implications for contemporary academics serving in pluralistic universities.

For Christians worldwide, the Decalogue is probably the best-known text in the First Testament. Many of us have memorized it; and theologians often declare that although other law codes in the Pentateuch have no bearing on Christians, the Ten Commandments function as a universal moral or natural law, uniquely binding us as they circumscribe a way of life.

Considering its ancient Near Eastern context, some might argue that the Decalogue is the world’s first publicly promulgated “Bill of Rights”. However, unlike modern bills of rights, rather than guaranteeing people’s rights, the Decalogue seeks to rein in the propensity to abuse authority and trample on the rights of those in near-by households and neighborhoods.

In light of Jesus’ interpretation of the Decalogue, saying that “You shall demonstrate love for YHWH your God and for your neighbor as you do for yourself”, what might be the implications for Christian living? What might be the implications for people of other faith traditions?

In preparation for the webinar, read Dr. Block’s essay “The Decalogue in the Hebrew Scriptures” in The Decalogue Through the Centuries (WJK Press, 2012).

Join this conversation about the Decalogue and Christian ethics by registering at:

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Christian Teaching and Learning for the Common Good
to Oct 8

Christian Teaching and Learning for the Common Good

October 6-8, 2021

Announcing the first online Kuyers/INCHE conference! Join us for three plenary talks, Q&A sessions, and informal opportunities to chat with colleagues online. These will take place on three successive days, October 6-8, 2021, beginning at 4:00PM Eastern Standard Time. The plenary speakers and their focus are described below. For $50 USD, you can register at:

Also: Save the dates October 6-8, 2022 for the next full, in-person Kuyers/INCHE conference.

Plenary Speakers for October 2021

Wednesday, October 6, 4:00-6:00 PM EDT

Kevin den Dulk is Associate Provost of Calvin University’s Global Campus and Professor of Political Science. He is also a principal investigator for the Formative Practices of Civic Hospitality project. With a grant from the Issachar Fund, the project team is creating a high school civics curriculum focused on the Christian virtue of hospitality as a means of nurturing dialogue between groups with different and conflicting points of view. He was previously the Paul B. Henry Chair in Political Science, and served as Executive Director of the Henry Institute for the Study of Christianity and Politics from 2012-2019. He is co-author of Religion and Politics in America: Faith, Culture, and Strategic Choices (6th ed., Routledge, 2019) and of The Challenge of Pluralism: Church and State in Six Democracies (3rd ed., Rowman & Littlefield, 2017).


Thursday, October 7, 4:00-6:00 PM EDT

Emmanuel Katongole is Professor of Theology and Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame. He holds a joint appointment with the Keough School of Global Affairs, where he serves as a fulltime faculty member of the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies. Before joining Notre Dame in 2013, he served as Associate Professor of Theology and World Christianity at Duke University, and as founding co-director of the Duke Center for Reconciliation. A member of the Contending Modernities Initiative team, Katongole coordinates an inter-disciplinary research project, which investigates how religious and secular forces compete or collaborate in shaping new modes of authority, community and identity within the context of nation-state modalities in Africa. He is a Catholic priest of Kampala Archdiocese, Uganda where he was ordained in 1987. His recent publications include Born from Lament: The Theology and Politics of Hope in Africa (Eerdmans, 2017) and The Journey of Reconciliation: Groaning for a New Creation in Africa (Orbis, 2017).


Friday, October 8, 4:00-6:00 PM EDT

Dorothy Vaandering is Associate Professor of Education at the Memorial University of Newfoundland. She has been involved in several Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council-funded projects exploring how the practices and principles of restorative justice can impact education. Her recent publications include co-authorship of the chapter “Critical Race Theory and Restorative Justice Education” in Listening to the Movement: Essays on New Growth and New Challenges in Restorative Justice (Wipf & Stock, 2019).

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The Doctrine of Creation and the Disciplines by Craig Bartholomew – Thursday, 16 September 2021 at 1400-1515 UTC/GMT
2:00 PM14:00

The Doctrine of Creation and the Disciplines by Craig Bartholomew – Thursday, 16 September 2021 at 1400-1515 UTC/GMT

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Approaching the world as God’s creation changes everything! Yet, how does it change the way we approach our academic disciplines as Christians?  The Society of Christian Scholars with INCHE as its partner is please to engage this important conversation for our members.

On Thursday, 16 September 2021 at 1400 UTC/GMT, Dr Craig Bartholomew, Director of the Kirby Laing Centre for Public Theology in Cambridge, UK, will discuss how a full-orbed doctrine of creation is of vital importance today and why we need to have it operational within our studies and research.

He will also explore some of the ways in which it transforms and shapes individual disciplines, enables us to engage in dialogue with scholars who hold very different worldviews, and opens up the interrelationship among the disciplines. In the end, he argues for seeing the world as it really is as ‘charged with the grandeur of God’ (Gerard Manly Hopkins), bringing hope to a jaded world.

In preparation for the webinar, take some time to read the introduction and various chapters to his most recent book, The Doctrine of Creation (IVP Academic, 2020).

Registration link: Webinar Registration - Zoom

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An Integrated Life: The Interface of Scientific Research and Christian Commitment: Dr. Kumiko 'Jean' Takeuchi
10:00 AM10:00

An Integrated Life: The Interface of Scientific Research and Christian Commitment: Dr. Kumiko 'Jean' Takeuchi

One of the biggest struggles Christian scholars face is how to relate their faith to their research, especially in scientific fields. How can we live out our faith in a demanding, competitive research environment? How do our distinctive commitments as Christians affect our research practice? And can a dedication to scientific research actually strengthen our Christian faith?

On Thursday, 19 August 2021 at 1400 GMT/UTC, Dr. Kumiko ‘Jean’ Takeuchi, Japanese native, will share her life experiences as a scientific researcher for Eli Lilly and describe how her Christian commitments interfaced with her vocation, including her pursuit of two PhDs–one in chemistry in the USA and the other in theology and religion in the UK. Be sure to read her personal story, ‘An American Dream from God’s Perspective‘, published in Engaging Our World: Christian Worldview from the Ivory Tower to Global Impact (W&S Academic Press, 2008) for more details about her spiritual journey.

This will be an exciting opportunity to reflect on our own spiritual journeys and how God strengthens our faith as we seek to grow in ‘the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ’ (2 Pet 3:18).

Reserve your place at Webinar Registration - Zoom

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10:00 AM10:00

July 15 Webinar: A Missional Hermeneutic of Scripture and the Impact of a Biblical Worldview on our Disciplines

INCHE members are invited to join members of The Society of Christian Scholars for a stimulating webinar on Thursday, 15 July 2021 at 1400 GMT/UTC. Dr. Chris Wright, the International Ministries Director of the Langham Partnership Global Leadership Team, will facilitate a conversation on questions that consider how a missional hermeneutic of Scripture impacts various academic disciplines.

In his discussion, he will consider how the Bible is more than a book full of promises, doctrines or rules but is fundamentally the true story of the universe from creation to new creation. Then he asks about the difference it should make when we read the whole Bible as the great drama of the mission of God, centered on Christ, for creation and for humanity.

Dr. Christopher Wright accepts the entire Bible as generated by and all about God’s mission. Thus, Christians need an interpretive perspective that is in tune with this great missional theme. We need to see the “big picture” of God’s mission and how the familiar bits and pieces fit into the grand narrative of Scripture.  Then in the story we are living as Christian believers, we should ask how this worldview based on that narrative impacts the range of academic disciplines in which we engage–whether they are theological or so-called “secular”?

In his current role, Dr. Wright presents and promotes Langham’s vision and work around the world. As a Christian scholar and author, he speaks, writes, and travels internationally.  

Langham Scholars Ministry, which is within the Langham Partnership, is a new INCHE member; and this is an opportunity to learn more about the Langham Partnership perspectives on their efforts. If you seek to prepare in advance for this webinar, read the introduction of Dr. Wright’s book, The Mission of God: Unlocking the Bible’s Grand Narrative (IVP Academic, 2006).

Register at:

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  Belongingness and Hybridity in God's Multicultural Kingdom, Thursday, 17 June 2021 at 1400 GMT/UTC
2:00 PM14:00

Belongingness and Hybridity in God's Multicultural Kingdom, Thursday, 17 June 2021 at 1400 GMT/UTC

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Join members from INCHE and the Society of Christian Scholars (SCS) for this webinar. An ancient Malawian proverb says, “A stranger comes with a sharp penknife,” and this knife is used, at least in a Malawian sense, to help disentangle a community from problems that their own knives could not resolve. In sum, the stranger sees with fresh eyes things that those inside the community cannot see.

On Thursday, 17 June 2021 at 1400 UTC, Dr. Kwiyani will discuss this idea in the context of theological cross-pollination, or what it means for “strangers” in world Christianity to engage with one another in the knowledge that each one has a gift, usually hidden, that can meet them at their point of need. Towards the end of his presentation, Dr. Kwiyani will seek to extend the knife analogy, in conversation with the audience, and probe the implications for interdisciplinarity in God’s multicultural kingdom.

Dr. Harvey Kwiyani serves as Lecturer in African Christianity and Theology at Liverpool Hope University in the UK where he teaches theology, mission, and leadership. Previously he worked and taught in central Europe for seven years and spent another seven years in the United States focused on issues of missional leadership. His current research and writing concentrates on contemporary mission in Europe and North America, intercultural theology, migrations, and particularly African Christians in the Diaspora. He is the general editor of Missio Africanus: The Journal of African Missiology.

The central idea of his presentation can be explored in greater detail in his book Multicultural Kingdom: Ethnic Diversity, Mission and the Church (SCM Press, 2020).

Register at Webinar Registration - Zoom.

Immediately following the webinar, Dr. Susan Felch, Professor emerita of English at Calvin University, will host a small group discussion to reflect on the webinar. Join this Zoom-based discussion here .

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INCHE North America Hosts Seminars on Internationalizing Education
to Jun 3

INCHE North America Hosts Seminars on Internationalizing Education

On Thursday, May 27 and Thursday, June 3, INCHE North America will host two seminars on internationalizing education. The goal is to reimagine in a post-COVID context how Christian higher education can be globalized for students on multiple continents. Each panelist will provide a brief reflection followed by time for participant discussion.


May 27, 10:00-11:15 a.m. EDT: North American Internationalization in a Post-COVID Context. This Zoom-based seminar provides an opportunity to reflect together on the past year, including its effects on leaders of international education as well as the outcomes of student programs. Then, the session will focus on post-pandemic administrative issues for international students coming to the U.S. as well as U.S. student learning abroad.  Alternative models such as collaborative online international learning will be introduced.

Panelists include:


Laura Montgomery, Dean of Global Programs and Studies; Professor of Anthropology, Wheaton College.


Cynthia Slagter, Off-Campus Programs Director; Professor of Spanish, Calvin University.


Kendra Sundeen, Director of Global Programs; Fulbright Program Advisor, University of Northwestern-St. Paul.

There is no participant fee. But registration is required. To join a seminar and receive the Zoom instructions, please complete the registration form below. 

Registration Deadline: Tuesday, May 25



June 3, 10:00-11:15 a.m. EDT: International Perspectives: Connecting with and beyond North America. Leaders in international Christian higher education extending beyond North America will discuss their recent experience, their goals for cross-cultural student learning, and partnerships in a world of shifting resources. They will consider ways in which some opportunities are opening while others are closing as financial resources, currency valuations, student interests, demographics, and other factors continue to change.  

Panelists include:  


Don DeGraaf, Senior Director of Educational Programs, Council of Christian Colleges and Universities.

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Wendy Bignold, Associate Dean (International) and Head of Residential Life, Liverpool Hope University (U.K.).



Lydia Bor, International Officer, Driestar Christian University for Teacher Education, the Netherlands.

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Rachel Robinson, Director of Uganda Studies Program, Uganda Christian University

There is no participant fee. But registration is required. To join a seminar and receive the Zoom instructions, please complete the registration form below. 

 Registration Deadline: Tuesday, June 1


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How to Survive as a Non-Native English Writer in an English-Writing World
2:00 PM14:00

How to Survive as a Non-Native English Writer in an English-Writing World

Join members from INCHE and the Society of Christian Scholars (SCS) for the Thursday, 15 April 2021 webinar at 1400 GMT/UTC

The English language today is the lingua franca of the academic world. Non-native English-speakers who publish in the English-language are often promoted with greater frequency and have increased influence as a result. Yet non-native speakers face unique challenges in their efforts to write and publish in English.

Dr. Kumiko “Jean” Takeuchi, Japanese native, will share her experiences and practical tips for writing and publishing as a non-native English writer. She has earned PhD degrees in two very different fields in two different English-speaking countries: chemistry in the USA and theology and religion in the UK. Jean will focus in detail on areas of English communication, specifically writing for publication, where non-native speakers often struggle, for example, common grammar errors and the temptation to plagiarize from native speakers’ publications.


The webinar is aimed at non-native speakers but will be beneficial to native speakers as well, especially those who assist colleagues for whom English is a second language.

Immediately after the webinar, INCHE supports a follow-up small group discussion for participants who seek further reflection on the topic. Dr. Susan Felch, Calvin University Professor of English emeritus, will facilitate this discussion. A Zoom link will be provided during the webinar.

Register here for the April 15 webinar. 


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Christian Higher Education in a Pandemic: Possibilities for Fractured European Societies
3:00 PM15:00

Christian Higher Education in a Pandemic: Possibilities for Fractured European Societies

Thursday, March 18, 3-5 p.m. CET (1400-1600 GMT/UTC)

During the 20th century a new fragmentation of Europe developed as secularization and political change led to a religiously and politically divided society. Particularly in a time of pandemic, how can European Christians in higher education bridge some of the gaps as Christians study and work in the different fragments of European society? To strengthen European Christian faith and practice, this online event will offer insights into this fragmentation and the role of Christian universities. The INCHE Europe goal is to deepen understanding and prepare for the in-person INCHE Europe conference on this theme in 2022.

There is no fee to register, but registration is required. Webinar registration now is completed and closed.

Click here for more information and registration.

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Webinar: Media and Information Literacy for Intercultural Dialogue
9:00 AM09:00

Webinar: Media and Information Literacy for Intercultural Dialogue

Join members from INCHE and the Society of Christian Scholars (SCS) to explore,

Media and Information Literacy for Intercultural Dialogue:

A Campus Ministry Approach

On Tuesday, 16 March 2021 at 1400 GMT/UTC, Dr. Marlene Hines, the Society’s librarian and former director and project manager in the Jamaican Ministry of Education, will discuss how campus ministries and academics can bridge the diverse barriers that exist within the university community as a means of reaching people where they are through intercultural dialogue.

This SCS webinar will focus on the university campus, particularly those with a large student and faculty population as a melting pot of cultures, peoples of diverse nationalities, and racial, ethnic, cultural, and religious backgrounds. The pluralistic university is thus a fertile mission field for the gospel of Christ.

The UNESCO Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue (MILID) strategy will be explored as a Campus Ministry approach that has the potential to bridge and break down barriers that exist within the university community by the application of various media and communication strategies in the presentation of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the university community.

Immediately after the webinar, INCHE supports a follow-up small group discussion for participants who seek further reflection on the topic. Dr. Susan Felch, Calvin University Professor of English emeritus, will facilitate this discussion. A Zoom link will be provided during the webinar.

Register here for the March 16 webinar. 


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February 2021 Webinar: Spirituality and Academia: Learning Simplicity, Humility, and Prayer with Luke’s Earliest Readers
9:00 AM09:00

February 2021 Webinar: Spirituality and Academia: Learning Simplicity, Humility, and Prayer with Luke’s Earliest Readers

Join members from INCHE and the Society of Christian Scholars (SCS) for the Thursday, February 18 webinar at 1400 GMT/UTC, titled, “Spirituality and Academia: Learning Simplicity, Humility, and Prayer with Luke’s Earliest Readers.”

In today’s society, we tend to evaluate university teachers on their ability to lecture well, knowledge of the subject matter, and ability to promote student learning. What might the Gospel of Luke have to say about this approach to teaching? How might Jesus’ spiritual practices affect his teaching? How could these practices affect change not only in our lives as educators but also in the lives of our students?

This webinar, sponsored by the Society of Christian Scholars, will feature Dr. Catherine Wright, Associate Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies at Bethel University in Minnesota (USA).

Immediately after the webinar, INCHE supports a follow-up small group discussion for participants who seek further reflection on the topic. Dr. Susan Felch, Calvin University Professor of English emeritus, will facilitate this discussion. A Zoom link will be provided during the webinar.

Register here for the February 18 webinar. 

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INCHE Latin American Virtual Conference 2020 (INCHE  Conferencia Virtual Latinoamericana 2020)
to Dec 3

INCHE Latin American Virtual Conference 2020 (INCHE Conferencia Virtual Latinoamericana 2020)

Educación Superior, Identidad Cristiana e Incidencia Pública en América Latina

Esta consulta de la Red Internacional de la Educación Superior Cristiana (RIESC, antes AIPESC), auspiciada conjuntamente con la Comunidad de Estudios Teológicos Interdisciplinarios (CETI) y la Fraternidad Teológica Latinoamericana (FTL), tiene lugar en el contexto de evento mayor por el 50º aniversario de esta última. Antes de explicar los motivos y objetivos de la consulta, se describen las razones y objetivos del evento principal de la FTL y a los cuales busca coadyuvar RIESC, desde la esfera de la educación superior.

Theme: Christian Identity, Higher Education and Public Impact in Latin America

(This is a Spanish language event)

A consultation will be held in the context of celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Latin American Theological Fellowship (LATF). The general theme is: “Christian Identity, Higher Education and Public Impact in Latin America”. This INCHE consultation is sponsored jointly with the Latin American Theological Fellowship (LATF) and the Community of Interdisciplinary Theological Studies (CETI) .


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