Welcome to the INCHE network!

Individual members interested in Christian teaching and learning are invited from every region. Annual individual dues vary and are set in relationship to personal income. January is the standard month for individual members to renew their annual membership; but new members of INCHE are welcome at any time during a calendar year.  Questions about membership can be sent to office@inche.one

In ten minutes any individual can join INCHE by completing the form below and providing credit card payment. Follow the online step-by-step process that is provided.

At the time of membership renewal, please do the following:

  • Calculate your total personal income for the previous calendar year.

  • Translate this total from your local currency into its equivalent value in U.S. dollar income.

  • On the basis of the USD equivalency, use the related income category as the basis for your dues payment.

  • With a credit card, provide the individual dues payment for that income category.

The categories of income with related INCHE individual membership dues are below.


Some current members should contact INCHE at office@inche.one for personal consultations and adjustments in membership dues. These are members who:

  • Previously arranged recurring annual membership payment. This is not possible in the new system.

  • Provided advanced payment for multiple years of network membership. Adjustments will be made.

If you are unable to pay the required membership fee due to location or lack of a credit card, please contact office@inche.one so that we can arrange a solution for you.

If you are an institution that is seeking membership, please view the affiliate, associate, and institutional membership process under the membership tab. A link to institutional membership for universities and colleges, one of the categories, is HERE.