Thirteen scholars from eleven different countries came together in Oxford, England from July 8 - 12, 2024 to discuss the philosophy and impact of Abraham Kuyper on the fields of Business and Economics.
Before the conference, participants met via Zoom and completed readings from Kuyper’s book On Business and Economics, part of a larger set of Kuyper’s theology newly translated into English. Some participants were Kuyper experts, and some were new to his work; some were from business or marketing backgrounds, and some from theology and philosophy, but all found value in digging into his ideas.
Once in Oxford, each participant then helped lead a daily discussion based on the readings. The insights from around the world were valuable, as a variety of experiences were represented. Leading the seminar were Jordan Ballor from the Center for Religion, Culture and Democracy at First Liberty Institute, and one of the editors of the Kuyper English translations; Richard Turnbull from the Centre for Enterprise, Markets and Ethics; and INCHE executive director Shirley Roels.
The scholars reported being blessed both professionally and personally by the discussions and the time to connect with each other. They are returning to their homes with new ideas to share with their classes and colleagues.
Participants were: Aby Alexander (India), Arunkumar Balakrishnan (India), James Bruyn (Canada), Grace Amoding Byamukama (Uganda), H. Fernando Bullon (Costa Rica), Arthur Chandra (Indonesia), Kyu Bong Cho (South Korea), Helen Mary Jacqueline (India), Roel Kuiper (The Netherlands), Sung Soo Lim (USA), Femi Odebiyi (Lithuania), Truphena Oduol (Kenya), Johan Snel (The Netherlands).
Meal time at Campion Hall, Oxford.
On a walking tour of Oxford led by Richard Turnbull.