Dear INCHE members,
The INCHE offices around the world are a hive of activity as we get ready to meet many of you in person in the coming months. Travel plans are being finalized for the Netherlands, proposals are being evaluated for Kenya, and conference themes are being refined in South Korea. Our office has been working on a timeline of INCHE events and leaders for the anniversary celebrations, and it has been a blessing to see God's faithfulness through fifty years of the growth and reach of our network.
Hopefully we will see some of you soon, but you all can take some time to connect with colleagues around the world through the March Contact newsletter.
You will learn about:
Ways to integrate the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals in curriculum and projects
New affiliate members in Australia and the USA
Visits, connections, and celebrations across the global network
Exciting updates about INCHE 50th Anniversary conferences around the world, including our upcoming April conference in the Netherlands.
A special book feature on teacher education in a complex and diverse world
Enjoy your reading. If you have questions about how your members can access the INCHE quarterly newsletter, please contact us at