Contact Newsletter March 2025

Dear INCHE members,

The INCHE offices around the world are a hive of activity as we get ready to meet many of you in person in the coming months. Travel plans are being finalized for the Netherlands, proposals are being evaluated for Kenya, and conference themes are being refined in South Korea. Our office has been working on a timeline of INCHE events and leaders for the anniversary celebrations, and it has been a blessing to see God's faithfulness through fifty years of the growth and reach of our network.

Hopefully we will see some of you soon, but you all can take some time to connect with colleagues around the world through the March Contact newsletter.

You will learn about:

  • Ways to integrate the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals in curriculum and projects

  • New affiliate members in Australia and the USA

  • Visits, connections, and celebrations across the global network

  • Exciting updates about INCHE 50th Anniversary conferences around the world, including our upcoming April conference in the Netherlands.

  • A special book feature on teacher education in a complex and diverse world

Enjoy your reading. If you have questions about how your members can access the INCHE quarterly newsletter, please contact us at

Contact Newsletter December 2024

I’m not sure whether there is always more global upheaval around Christmas, or it is just that I notice it more as I contemplate the coming of the Prince of Peace. What I am noticing in the Christmas story this year is how many times people are told “don’t be afraid.” At the end of the newsletter is a link to LCC International University’s advent devotion series from this year, and even though advent is almost over, I invite you to take “comfort and joy” in the reflections about Peace on Earth. Come, Lord Jesus.

As you head into your holiday breaks, take some time to connect with colleagues around the world through the Contact newsletter.

You will learn about:

  • New institutional and affiliate members in India, Africa, and Europe

  • Visits and connections across the global  network

  • New degree programs for member institutions

  • Exciting reviews and updates about INCHE 50th Anniversary conferences around the world.

  • Please note the January 14, 2025 deadline for registration for the Global Conference in Europe.

Enjoy your reading. If you have questions about how your members can access the INCHE quarterly newsletter, please contact us at

We look forward to seeing many of you in person in 2025!

Contact Newsletter September 2024

The title of the special book feature in September's Contact newsletter is Interconnectivity, Subversion and Healing in World Christianity. As we have begun to reflect on 50 years of history heading into our anniversary year, it is clear that this title could reflect INCHE as well. You will see on the front cover of the September Contact newsletter the picture of our founding conference in 1975. It is, to say the least, not very diverse. As you read, compare it with the images in the rest of the newsletter that reflect what our network looks like now. God is doing a mighty work.

We have had a busy summer at INCHE and have just this week transitioned into our new offices at Calvin University. This means that the newsletter is coming the the very END of September, but it is highlighting ways members across the globe are connecting, subverting the world's expectations, and bringing healing through Christian higher education.

You will learn about:

  • New institutional and affiliate members in India and Africa

  • Visits and connections across the global  network

  • New positions and honors for Christian scholars

  • The above-mentioned special book feature honoring the work of former INCHE board member Joel Carpenter

  • Exciting updates about INCHE 50th Anniversary conferences around the world, starting in October 2024.

  • Please note the November 1 deadline for proposals for the Global Conference in Europe

Enjoy your reading. If you have questions about how your members can access the INCHE quarterly newsletter, please contact us at

Contact Newsletter June 2024

For many of us, June signals a transition from a time of focusing on students to focusing on our own goals and development. Our June Contact newsletter highlights the ways members across the globe are connecting, developing, and being recognized as leaders in Christian higher education.

  • New institutional members in India

  • New positions and awards for INCHE members in Africa, India, Latin America, and North America.

  • Professional development, goal setting, and personal connections in Asia/Oceana and Europe

  • A timely special book feature exploring the intersectionality of politics, religion, and war in Ukraine

  • Exciting updates about INCHE 50th Anniversary conferences around the world, starting in October 2024.

Contact Newsletter March 2024

March brings transformations in nature in many parts of the world, and in our March Contact newsletter we celebrate the changes that God is bringing across our network.

  • New members in India and Europe

  • Transitions in African leadership

  • Transforming research in Christian higher education into professional development in Asia/Oceana

  • Scholars in Latin America sharing knowledge and expertise

  • Opportunities for connection and community in North America

  • An upcoming meeting in Europe to plan for future connections

  • A special book feature documenting a life of transitions in Christian higher education

Contact Newsletter December 2023

At this time of year we are thankful to remember the Prince of Peace coming into a world of conflict to bring shalom. The December 2023 issue of Contact, our INCHE quarterly newsletter, features people working together in his name fostering the development of Christian higher education worldwide. You will find:

·        Announcements of future INCHE conferences.

·        Meetings of Africa university cohorts to share the results of a year of study on Creating Redemptive Change Agents in their institutions.

·        A report from the November 3 online conference in INCHE Latin America.

·        A celebration of Károli Gáspár's 30th anniversary.

·        A special focus on using the psalms as a common point of contact for Muslims and Christians.

Enjoy your reading. If you have questions about the quarterly newsletter, contact us at

Contact Newsletter September 2023

The September 2023 issue of Contact, our INCHE quarterly newsletter, features:

·        New Partnerships between Handong Global University and INCHE India members.

·        INCHE Africa university leaders connecting with INCHE North America leaders.

·        The November 3 online conference in INCHE Latin America.

·        Efforts of INCHE members in Central Europe. 

·        A special focus on global Christian concern about children and youth


Enjoy your reading!

Contact Newsletter June 2023

On this last day of June, we are publishing the June 2023 issue of Contact, our newsletter. In your reading, you will find recent news about:

·         The INCHE Asia Oceania conference at Handong Global University last week.

·         New partnerships between North American and African universities.

·         Exciting Developments in INCHE Europe in the recent student camps and among leaders.

·         Plans for a November 2023 conference in Latin America

·         Introductions to INCHE members who have joined us since March!

·         Resources: Podcasts, YouTube, Other Digital Resources, Books, and more

Contact Newsletter March 2023

In this March newsletter edition, you can learn about:


·         The upcoming INCHE Asia-Oceania conference in June 2023. Registration is open!

·         Nine new INCHE members universities and colleges.

·         A new grant project involving ten African Christian universities.

·         Leadership changes among INCHE Europe universities.

·         Transitions and new initiatives in both Latin America and North America.

·         An intriguing special feature about ethnic and mission history in South Africa.

Contact Newsletter December 2022

Contact Newsletter December 2022

In this December newsletter edition, you can learn about:

·         Four new INCHE members across three global regions.

·         Several INCHE Europe engagements over the past three months.

·         The INCHE Asia-Oceania call for papers/presentations at the June 2023 conference in Korea. The proposal deadline is January 31!

·         A new grant for INCHE Africa.

·         Dr. Susan Felch’s research on a female Reformation leader and her advice to Christian scholars.

Contact Newsletter September 2022

In our newsletter you can learn about:

·         Recent Developments in INCHE India.

·         Senior leaders in worldwide Christian higher education on the move.

·         The call for papers and presentations for the INCHE Asia-Oceania Conference at Handong Global University in Pohang, Republic of Korea, on June 20-22, 2023.

·         A growing collaboration among Protestant higher education leaders in Latin America.

·         Our special feature about The Bible in Korea.

Enjoy your reading!

Contact Newsletter June 2022

Discover the latest news from the International Network for Christian Higher Education about:

1.     INCHE conferences

-April 2022 INCHE Europe review

-October 2022 INCHE North America plans

-June 2023 Handong INCHE conference in Korea: dates and theme

2.     Our newest member: Universitas Pelita Harapan in Indonesia.

3.     INCHE university presidential transitions.

4.     Universidad Cristiana Renovada, the INCHE Latin America publication from the

December 2020 online conference; and complementary articles in the Journal of

Latin American Theology.

5.     Resources, grant opportunities, and a testimonial.


Contact Newsletter March 2022

In this Lenten season, as we prepare for Good Friday and Easter, the International Network for Christian Higher Education has news.
  Discover news about:

  1. The INCHE partnership with the CCCU.

  2. The 2022 Abraham Kuyper Prize recipient.

  3. INCHE university presidential transitions.

  4. INCHE members in conflict zones.

  5. A special feature on living vocationally.

Contact Newsletter December 2021

The December 2021 issue of Contact, the INCHE quarterly newsletter, is here. In this issue read about:

·         The upcoming INCHE Europe conference in April 2022. Register by early January!

·         New INCHE members

·         Updates on member reopenings, programs, and conferences

·         A special feature about the intersection of Christian faith and democracy

·         Book and podcast resources

Contact Newsletter September 2021

The September 2021 issue of Contact, the INCHE quarterly newsletter, is here. In this issue read about:

 ·        The INCHE Europe conference planned for April 2022

·         New university leaders in Africa, Latin America, and North America

·         Restored Latin American partnership of private and public universities

·         A European Conference on brokenness, sin, and grace in education

·         Faith-Integrated Being, Knowing, and Doing in Asia

·         Fresh Resources for Christian Higher Education


Contact Newsletter June 2021

Christian higher education continues to flourish:

  1. INCHE North America announces an October 2021 online mini-conference.

  2. African universities provide teaching and scholarship updates.

  3. Asia-Oceania members have a new INCHE coordinator in India.

  4. European members announce the April 2022 conference in Budapest.

  5. Latin America remembers the influence of Rene Padilla.

  6. With Makoto Fujimura, INCHE focuses on a theology of making.

Contact Newsletter March 2021

Christian higher education continues to persist:


  1. INCHE Latin American gathers online.

  2. Langham Scholars Ministry is welcomed as a new member.

  3. African universities receive books on Christian teaching and learning.

  4. Christian colleges and universities in India consider new paths.

  5. INCHE Europe prepares a March 2021 webinar and a 2022 conference.